Introduction and Transfer Licensing Application Review
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Movements of live fish are carried out for many purposes, such as aquaculture, stock enhancement, and research. Federal and provincial/territorial governments collaborate to authorize movements of aquatic organisms. In particular, DFO requires a licence issued under section 56 of the Fishery Regulations for movements of aquatic organisms to fish bearing waters and fish rearing facilities. Before authorizations are granted, genetic, ecological, and disease risks are assessed following the National Code on Introductions and Transfers of Aquatic Organisms. The Code was recently renewed to account for various updates, including new service standards and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's new aquatic disease management lead in the implementation of the National Aquatic Animal Health Program implemented December 2015. The NAAHP is being phased in; first for imports then for domestic movements (planned for January 2015). The implementation of the new Code, and the new service standards, will coincide with the implementation of the domestic component of the NAAHP set for January 2015. The latest iteration (2017) represents the commitment of federal, provincial and territorial partners to ensure the Code continues to be efficient and effective. Service delivery under the Code incorporates defined service standards for Introductions and Transfers Committees for each stage of the application, review and decision-making process for authorizations to move aquatic organisms. (Aquaculture Management, Fisheries and Oceans Canada.)