National Recreational Licensing System (NRLS) (Pacific Only)
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The Recreational Fisheries program focuses on the provision of tidal water sports fishing licences via the web page and Independent Access Providers (IAP), emphasizing partnerships, citizen-engagement and community stewardship and promoting public awareness about conservation and the sustainable use of fishery resources. Recreational fisheries managers are also important players in the development of Integrated Fisheries Management Plans and in ensuring that recreational fisheries interests are considered when making allocation decisions. Marine and tidal water recreational fishing for finfish and shellfish, including Pacific salmon fisheries in British Columbia, is a federal responsibility. Individuals engaged in sports (recreational) fishing must be licensed (British Columbia Fishing Regulation 1996). The objectives of the program are to foster sustainable use and community stewardship of Canada’s recreational fisheries sector, and promote citizen-engagement, education and recognition of those who have made a significant contribution to Canada’s recreational fisheries. Most recently, the ability to obtain a Yukon Catch Card has been incorporated within NRLS. (Fisheries Management, Fisheries and Oceans Canada.)