Waterways Management
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The Waterways Management Program ensures accessibility of waterways and contribute to their safe use. Waterways Management contributes to the maintenance of Canadian shipping channels. Monitor channel bathymetry and channel bottom conditions by surveying commercial channels identifying restrictions and navigational hazards to safe navigation, and provide this information to mariners, pilots and other stakeholders; Provide users with marine safety information, in association with other programs within CCG and DFO. Provide users with water-depth forecasts in the commercial channels in the St. Lawrence, Fraser, and Mackenzie Rivers; Dredging of the Canadian portions of the Great Lakes connecting Channels and manage dredging of the St. Lawrence River Ship Channel; Contribute to the international control of water levels in the St. Lawrence River and protect navigational interests, as a member of the Operations Advisory Group; Authority on channel design guidelines; Assist DFO Real Property Branch, in the management of marine structures that help manage currents and water levels, wave climates, ice covers, sedimentation rates and patterns, and scour and erosion. These structures also reduce channel maintenance needs and prevent ice jams from forming. (Waterways Management, Fisheries and Oceans Canada.)