Public Weather

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This service provides weather warnings, forecasts and information 24 hours a day, everyday of the year with lead times of minutes to weeks to Canadians and their institutions, as a public good service, so that Canadians can anticipate, manage and adapt to the risks and opportunities of changing weather conditions and make judicious decisions with respect to their safety, security, livelihood and property. This Advisory and Information Service is not a transactional e-service. It is information available instantly in a self-service manner, accessible online (Website and WeatherCAN application) or via Weather Radio, Automated Telephone Services (recorded information line) as well as public and commercial media broadcasters: it does not require a user's account nor an application. In 2019-20, ECCC issued 480,000 watches and warnings, responded to 6,146 media calls related to weather forecasts and warnings, and recorded 567 million visits at The WeatherCAN app had an average of 600,000 active users per month. (Weather and Environmental Observations, Forecasts and Warnings, Environment and Climate Change Canada.)

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