Health and air quality forecast services
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The Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) lists, on a scale from 1 to 10, the short-term health risk associated with the mixture of air pollutants known to be harmful to human health. It is delivered in partnership with Health Canada, the provinces and territories, municipalities and various Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). This public communication tool provides the current and forecast value of the AQHI as well as how Canadians are affected (who is at risk). The AQHI forecast bulletins are issued twice daily for each AQHI forecast location, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. It provides maximum AQHI values over the next three days, with related health messages. The morning forecast bulletin is comprised of four forecast periods (today, tonight, tomorrow and tomorrow night) and the afternoon one consists of four forecast periods (tonight, tomorrow, tomorrow night and the next day) This advisory and information service is not a transactional e-service. It is information available instantly in a self-service manner and available online, or via the Automated Telephone Services (recorded information line) in selected areas. Access does not require a user's account nor an application, and the service is free of charge. (Air Quality, Environment and Climate Change Canada.)