Marine program weather services
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Marine weather forecasts describe the anticipated weather conditions in Canadian marine environments for the next five-day period. To supplement the marine weather forecasts bulletins, an additional product is also provided: the technical synopsis, which give an overview of major weather systems affecting the area. The Marine Warning Program is intended to provide an effective warning service to alert mariners to particularly hazardous marine meteorological conditions that may pose a hazard to marine operations. This Advisory and Information Service is not a transactional e-service. It is information available instantly in a self-service manner and available online (Website and WeatherCAN application) or via Weather Radio, Automated Telephone Services (recorded information line), the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) marine radio, Really Simple Syndication (RSS), NAVTEX, or Inmarsat-C: it does not require a user's account nor an application. A total of 68,583 marine weather bulletins (weather forecast and technical synopsis bulletins) and 848 gale warnings were issued in 2019-20. (Weather and Environmental Observations, Forecasts and Warnings, Environment and Climate Change Canada.)