Administration of Grants and Contributions (Gs&Cs) for Employment and Social Development Programs
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Gs&Cs are transfer payments made to not-for profit, community-based organizations, individuals and to the private and public sectors, which support the activities of those groups, and which also help to fulfill the department’s mandate. (Excludes Apprenticeship Grants and other Grants and Contributions that are shown separately in the service inventory.) (Reaching Home,Social Development Partnerships Program,New Horizons for Seniors Program,Enabling Accessibility Fund,Early Learning and Child Care,Indigenous Early Learning Child Care Transformation Initiative,Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities,Youth Employment and Skills Strategy,Canada Service Corps,Skills and Partnership Fund,Literacy and Essential Skills,Indigenous Skills and Employment Training (ISET) Program,Student Work Placement Program,Union Training and Innovation Program,Sectoral Initiatives Program,Foreign Credential Recognition Program,Enabling Fund for Official Language Minority Communities, Employment and Social Development Canada.)