Issuance of licence for Industrial Hemp under the Cannabis Act and its Regulations
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Under the Cannabis Act, the Industrial Hemp Regulations set out the regulatory framework for controlling and authorizing certain activities with industrial hemp, which is defined under these regulations as a cannabis plant – or any part of the plant – in which the concentration of THC is 0.3% (weight by weight) or less in the flowering heads and leaves. Under this framework, a person is required to obtain a licence issued by Health Canada in order to conduct various activities with industrial hemp. In addition, licence holders are responsible for compliance with the Cannabis Act and its regulations, and with other applicable federal, provincial and territorial legislation and municipal by-laws. Beginning October 17, 2018, all industrial hemp licences are issued pursuant to the Cannabis Act and its Industrial Hemp Regulations. The previous paper-based application process has been updated into an online electronic application process via the Cannabis Tracking and Licencing System (CTLS), which is the primary means through which applicants may apply for an industrial hemp licence from Health Canada. (CSCB) (Cannabis, Health Canada.)