Listed Terrorist Entities

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Section 83.05 of the Criminal Code empowers the Government of Canada to create a list of terrorist entities, administered by Public Safety Canada. The listing of an entity is a public means of identifying a group or individual as being associated with terrorism. A listed entity’s property is subject to seizure/restraint and/or forfeiture. Additionally, banks and other financial institutions are subject to reporting requirements with respect to an entity's property and must not allow those entities to access the property. These institutions may not deal or otherwise dispose of the property. It is an offence to knowingly participate in or contribute to, directly or indirectly, any activity of a terrorist group. Upon request, the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness may authorize any person or financial institution to carry out a prohibited transaction or activity with a listed entity. Additionally, an entity whose name is the same as or similar to a name on the list, may apply to the Minister for a certificate stating that it is not that listed entity. Finally, a listed entity may apply to the Minister to be delisted. (National Security Leadership,Crime Prevention,Law Enforcement and Policing, Public Safety Canada.)

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